Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 1 - or 66 - Tuesday June 15th

There's nothing funny funny about 5.30 Am ANYWHERE - but Tony woke me with a joke...
"So i said to this beautiful blonde - what's a girl like you doing working in a bakery? And she replied - I'm a roll model¬"
I wish I could have rolled over and gone back to sleep - but we had a plane to catch. Unfortunately I was hit with a hypo as we hit the airport.... Diabetes is a lousy holiday companion ...and I was shovelling jelly beans into my mouth as we boarded the plane.

I'm not sure if this blog is counting upwards from Day1 or down from 66 - but finally we were on our way and leaving cold bleak Melbourne on a Tuesday morning in June. Cathay Pacific is a great airline....great service, food and entertainment. I watched four movies in 9 hours - and was glad I only had to pay a couple of thousand dollars to see them.

Although we landed in Hong Kong at around 3.30 pm - it was nearly 6pm when we finally checked in to the hotel and I really felt lousy. 32c and 98% humidity didn't help. We were supposed to have dinner with an old sailing friend of Tony's at The Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club - but the last thing I felt like dolling up and being charming to strangers when I felt like crap. Tony went alone while I went downstairs to the Jordan MTR station and bought a Peking Duck wrap and a Japanese cheesecake bun for dinner before collapsing into bed, unable to sleep with the cramps in my legs.

Not a great start to the trip. Why does my 65 year old body keep dragging me back to earth when my 17 year old spirit wants to fly. It's bloody annoying.

1 comment:

  1. Bugga, what a bad start to the trip. I hope it all settles once you arrive in the UK.
